It’s Great to Sell in Autumn and Winter!

There are many reasons to sell your home in the autumn and winter. We’ll discuss the main ones today.

Today we’re discussing selling your home in the autumn and winter; what are the things you should consider? There is a common belief that selling a house in the autumn or winter is challenging, almost impossible. We have not found that to be true. Here we are at the beginning of December and we have recently had a flood of homes going under contract for sale.

In the autumn and winter, you usually have less competition. Fewer houses are going active at the same time as yours. You may have an enhanced chance to receive a contract that’s acceptable to you immediately.

Another thing we’ve observed is that buyers who are looking from November to February are generally more motivated. They aren’t looking to kill a Saturday afternoon, they are driven to move forward with a purchase.

Buyers who are looking from November to February are generally more motivated.

We have a considerable number of people wanting to sell their home as quickly as they can for many reasons, but they have great holiday traditions, so selling a home would be disruptive. In that case, we can do our layaway program. What we do is get your house ready to sell, get the paperwork done, and take pictures while the grass is still green — before the decorations go up
Then we’re ready to put your house on the market whenever it works best for you.

In between us getting you ready and your home going on the market, you are known as a “coming soon listing.” So, our agents get the information about your home, and as we have buyers coming through that may be interested in your house, it might be sold before it’s even technically active. We like to sometimes match a buyer with a specific home we know they might love.

If you want to discuss these programs or tips you should keep in mind when getting your house ready to sell in the autumn and winter, give me a call or send me an email. Any advice you need and just want to talk it over, get in touch with us. We’d love to talk to you!